
What Cameras Do Youtubers Use, Reddit

Why do YouTubers utilise Ruddy?


Angrymagpie • Contributing Member • Posts: 771

Why practise YouTubers use Cherry-red?

Why do YouTubers employ RED?

I sympathize with the case of those who shoot high production value footages or footages at rare/heady locations, with rare/exciting subjects and so on. Simply some channels seem to use information technology for something very stationary, like a guy speaking into a camera, doing a review of a product.

Why go through the problem and the price to shoot 8k in that case?

Is it all near future-proofing?


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RealCereal • Contributing Member • Posts: 538

Re: Why do YouTubers use RED?


Angrymagpie wrote:

Why practise YouTubers use Reddish?

I empathize with the case of those who shoot loftier production value footages or footages at rare/exciting locations, with rare/exciting subjects so on. But some channels seem to apply it for something very stationary, like a guy speaking into a camera, doing a review of a production.

Why go through the trouble and the toll to shoot 8k in that case?

Is information technology all most future-proofing?

Cause they got cash to  burn.

Too yes its for future proofing. Can crop in a 8k Image and not lose any detail

Sony a7 III Sony Atomic number 26 55mm F1.8 Sony FE 70-200 F4 Sony Vario-Tessar T* Atomic number 26 16-35mm F4 ZA OSS Sony FE 85mm F1.8 +1 more

tkbslc • Forum Pro • Posts: 17,003

Some people make poor decisions

Some people just make poor purchasing decisions.  I take a friend that always buys "the best" regardless of the task at hand.   I tend to try to right-size.    My estimate is that someone researched what "the best" video camera on the market was, and arrived at Red and just bought it.  They are going to get rich on youtube for sure, and then buying the best equipment is an "investment", right?


Bambi24 • Regular Fellow member • Posts: 412

Re: Why do YouTubers use Ruby-red?

Considering they can. Some shoot with Alexa.

Many youtubers accept a bigger budget than a traditional movie studio. They are running a professional video crew. Why wouldn't they use the all-time they tin can get, information technology's pocket alter compared to how much they make per video.

Btw, these cameras are rarely bought, they are rented.


M43ForMe • Contributing Member • Posts: 516

Re: Why do YouTubers use RED?

Angrymagpie wrote:

Why practice YouTubers employ Cherry-red?

I understand with the case of those who shoot high production value footages or footages at rare/heady locations, with rare/heady subjects and so on. But some channels seem to use it for something very stationary, similar a guy speaking into a camera, doing a review of a product.

Why get through the trouble and the cost to shoot 8k in that case?

Is it all about future-proofing?

A lot of them, similar Marques Brownlee, shoot Crimson because they have a following so large, that Cherry-red basically gives them the camera for the exposure and publicity.

Now, yous're going to say the millions of followers of a YouTube tech channel aren't Cherry-red's customers. Which is true. But information technology's still relatively inexpensive exposure when compared to even a marginal marketing campaign.


OP Angrymagpie • Contributing Member • Posts: 771

Re: Why do YouTubers apply RED?

M43ForMe wrote:

Angrymagpie wrote:

Why do YouTubers use RED?

I understand with the case of those who shoot high production value footages or footages at rare/exciting locations, with rare/heady subjects and then on. But some channels seem to use it for something very stationary, like a guy speaking into a photographic camera, doing a review of a production.

Why go through the trouble and the cost to shoot 8k in that case?

Is it all near time to come-proofing?

A lot of them, similar Marques Brownlee, shoot Red because they accept a following then big, that Ruby basically gives them the camera for the exposure and publicity.

At present, yous're going to say the millions of followers of a YouTube tech channel aren't Carmine's customers. Which is truthful. Just information technology'south still relatively cheap exposure when compared to even a marginal marketing campaign.

I don't know about Marques Brownlee, but some merits to be paying themselves for the Carmine camera equipments though. I don't fully understand the benefits of shooting stuff like the review of a smartphone with Reddish in 8k. With regards to futurity-proofing, why would anyone be interested in watching a review of Microsoft Surface Pro 5 years from now on?

Editing flexibility... we are talking virtually a stationary shot, generally a person speaking into a camera in front end of a desk. Surely 4k is more than plenty for editing flexibility in such a manageable context.

Mike_PEAT • Forum Pro • Posts: 13,344

Then I meet commercial shoots with GH4s...

I been on shoots for music videos (for commercial Boob tube production) where the cameras apply were Panasonic GH4s.


M43ForMe • Contributing Member • Posts: 516

Re: Why do YouTubers use Cherry?

Angrymagpie wrote:

I don't know virtually Marques Brownlee, but some claim to exist paying themselves for the RED camera equipments though. I don't fully understand the benefits of shooting stuff like the review of a smartphone with Blood-red in 8k. With regards to future-proofing, why would anyone exist interested in watching a review of Microsoft Surface Pro five years from at present on?

Editing flexibility... we are talking virtually a stationary shot, more often than not a person speaking into a camera in front of a desk-bound. Surely 4k is more than plenty for editing flexibility in such a manageable context.

I'd be surprised if MB paid for his own Cerise. But he really does put information technology to skillful employ (run into his 8K video he did that was mostly an educational video on 8K resolution). And while I think he /does/ find ways to put it to good utilize, I think information technology's a vast overkill for the type of work he does.

Information technology's an even more overkill for the other vloggers who utilize it. Like you lot said, why isn't they myriad 4K options out there - that are much more affordable - non sufficient for doing a gadget review? For that type of piece of work, a /really/ nice setup with like a GH5 + good drinking glass or a Sony A7SII with good glass is going to produce tremendous results and not cost $l,000.

They're going to produce results that are indiscernible to the viewing audition when played side-by-side along with the same Reddish video.

Why do people bulldoze Ferrarris? Information technology's not like they volition be racing with them.

Why practise people alive in mansions? You don't demand viii,000 foursquare anxiety to fit a family of 4.

Then on.

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Doux Vide

Doux Vide • Contributing Member • Posts: 922

Most don't own them

Often they belong to their network, who also own the studio and hire the technical staff used by the youtubers.

Sometimes it'southward lent by RED itself for free exposure/advertising.

Sometimes it's rented.

I think only a couple of those actually bought them, for the same reasons people buy supercars....

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